
USASA Slalom/Giant Slalom

  • 43101 Goldmine Drive
  • Big Bear Lake, California 92315
  • Time:
    9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Location: Bear Mountain
  • Contact: Big Bear Mountain Resort
844.GO2.BEAR (844.462.2327) website

Head to Bear Mountain and enjoy a downhill USASA race competition on Feb. 9, 2025 from 9:30AM-4PM. Whether you partake in the Slalom/Giant Slalom event or cheer on the talented athletes, Big Bear Mountain Resort will host several USASA events throughout the 24/25 winter season.


The United States of America Snowboard and Freeski Association (USASA) is a California based non-profit organization that is represented by 32 regional series across the USA. The USASA national office is located in South Lake Tahoe, CA. The regional home offices are located in Portland, Maine and Bailey, Colorado. The USASA is made up of over 5000 athlete members and 600+ coaches and officials. The total membership including parents and supporters exceeds 10,000 members.

The USASA hosts 500+ Snowboard and Freeski events annually at approximately 120 ski resorts in the U.S. The USASA National Championships are held annually at Copper Mountain, Colorado and span twelve days with over 1800 participants. The USASA National Championship is the largest snowboard and freeskiing event in the world, and has been held consistently by the USASA for 29 years. The USASA is the first step in the Olympic pipeline for snowboarding and freeskiing.

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